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“A true hero isn’t measured by the size of his strength, but by the size of his heart” LORD SRI RAMA AND LORD SRI KRISHNA, OUR NATIONAL HEROES…

Introduction :-

One of the favorite pastimes of people interested in Indian epics – Ramayana and Mahabharata, is to compare Rama with Krishna, specially to take actions performed by Rama and speculate on how Krishna would have handled the situation. On all delicate situations faced by Rama, specially where his actions seem unpalatable, Krishna is brought in and a statement is usually made – “If it were Krishna, he wouldn’t have let this happen; he would have done something else and resolved the issue.” This article is a humble effort in trying to actually see if there is any veracity to such comparisons. LORD SRI RAMA AND LORD SRI KRISHNA, OUR NATIONAL HEROES…

Rama and Krishna were two different personalities. Their times, their characters, their outlook to life, their circumstances were all different. Hence normally comparison is very difficult. But compare we must do, having set forth on this endeavor. The methodology used for comparison in here is to set out the same with respect to various human characteristics or personality traits. The events in their lives shall be used to substantiate the comparison. The attributes chosen to compare are taken from the standpoint of importance in the Indian – Hindu dharmic structure. Such things as miracles, superhuman show of strength, looks and such have been discounted. The similar traits are analyzed first later moving on to the differences. LORD SRI RAMA AND LORD SRI KRISHNA, OUR NATIONAL HEROES…

Details from Rama’s life are from Valmiki’s Ramayana while those of Krishna are from the Bhagavata Purana, Padma Purana, and the Mahabharata.

Selflessness :-

Selflessness is another highly valued characteristic in Indian dharma. Both Rama and Krishna proved over and over, time and again, their selfless nature.

Rama gave up his rightful throne and went away to the forests for fourteen years. He could have got control and rule Kishkinda and Lanka, but in both places, he places their rightful kings in their thrones and moves on. Such is his selfless nature that upon the completion of 14 years forest stay, en route his return journey to Ayodhya, he sends his friend Hanuman ahead. He asks him to inform Bharata (who is a caretaker king) and see if there is any feeling of resentment in him. If there was even an iota of resentment in Bharata at Rama’s return, he would have not returned. The zenith of his selflessness is his highest sacrifice wherein he gives up his beloved pregnant wife for the sake of his citizens. LORD SRI RAMA AND LORD SRI KRISHNA, OUR NATIONAL HEROES…

Krishna’s life is also one of absolute selflessness. On the slaying of Kamsa, he installs Ugrasena (Kamsa’s father) on the throne. Krishna slays or causes the slaying of other kings in the course of establishing dharma. In each case, he installs the rightful heir on the throne and moves on. Throughout his life Krishna never becomes a king. The importance of this fact is better perceived when contrasted against the singular role he played in the Kurukshetra war, a war so great that all kings then ruling were pitted either on the side of Pandavas or the Kauravas.

On selflessness, both Rama and Krishna stand at par with one another.

Equanimity and balance in thought:-

In the most difficult situations, Rama keeps his head. When prompted to rebel, and take over the throne instead of going to the forest, by Lakshmana (and verily by Dasharatha himself), he refuses. When Lakshmana grows suspicious of Bharata coming with many men to their forest dwelling and gets agitated, he calms him down. When Vibhishana comes in surrender, he gladly accepts him as a friend instead of killing him as advised.

“A true hero isn’t measured by the size of his strength, but by the size of his heart” LORD SRI RAMA AND LORD SRI KRISHNA, OUR NATIONAL HEROES…

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