My Silly Sister and The poem Don’t Tell

Don’ tell… and my silly sister…

Today we have solve Questions of the poem named as Don’ tell… and my silly sister…

Description of the poem Don’t tell is as follows…

The child in the poem Don’t Tell feels like he has grown up and can do many things.

  • However, the people around him do not feel the same way.
  • The poem Don’t Tell is a story about the inner feelings of a young child who patiently listens to everyone.
  • The young child silently feels bad that grownups treat him badly because of his small size.
  • He wants to show them that he can do many things and he will once he is fully grown up.

Meanwhile, he says that if given the chance, he will prove to them that he is a giant on the inside, who is able to perform tough tasks that others cannot think he can.

Don't tell and my silly sister...

New Words Meanings with Examples…


Question and Answers –

1. How old is the speaker?

Ans: A young boy is the speaker in the poem Don’t Tell.

2. Who are ‘they’ and ‘them’ in the poem?

Ans: They in the poem are referred to the young boy’s parents and ‘them’ are the grown-ups.

3. What is the secret the speaker is hiding?

Ans: The secret of the young boy is that he is a giant, from the inside.

My silly sister…

My silly sister...
  • The plot of “My Silly Sister” is around a little girl who is naturally mischievous.
  • She does foolish things like thinking the stones are actual food and putting them in her mouth.
  • She is unaware of the difference between many things like the stars and the street lights and she even wishes to get hold of the moon.
  • She tears away the pages of a book whenever her brother tries to teach her the English alphabet.
  • However, if her brother scolds her and shakes his head in fury, she acts childishly and laughs it off.
  • Her brother is a headmaster and is now responsible for his mother and baby sister since his father is away.
  • As his sister does not obey his teachings and actions he complains to his mother about her being silly and childish.
  • In actuality, the tiny girl is innocent and unable to distinguish between right and bad.

New Words Meanings with Examples

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Question and Answers –

1. What does the baby do with the pebbles?

Ans: The baby considers the pebbles to be genuine food, and she even puts them in her mouth trying to eat.

2. What does the baby do with the book?

Ans: The baby playfully roars with laughter and joy by tearing the pages of the book.

4When does the baby laugh?

Ans: Whenever her brother is being scolded the baby finds it funny and bursts into laughter.

4. Why does the washer man bring donkeys?

Ans: Donkeys are of great help to the washer man as they carry the dirty clothes for him.

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