farmers’ protests raise divisive opinions…

Understanding perspectives: farmers’ protests raise divisive opinions…

farmers’ protests raise divisive opinions...

India’s demographic heavily tilts towards rural areas, and agriculture remains the primary occupation. However, over the past few years, the nation has witnessed widespread farmer protests for demands such as legal assurances for Minimum Support Price (MSP) for crops and complete farm loan waivers.

The farmers’ protests have become a critical and recognise it as the fundamental right of farmers to voice their grievances. point of contention, sparking diverse opinions across the nation. The heated de- bate over the legitimacy of their demands versus allegations of a calculated political ploy has led to polarised viewpoints. The pre-poll survey indicates a skew in favour of the agitating farmers’ right to protest.

Nearly three in five (59%) respondents acknowledge the legitimacy of the farmers’ demands On the other hand, nearly one in six (16%) voters perceive the farmers’ protest as a conspiracy against the government. This viewpoint suggests scepticism regarding the motivations behind the protests, with some attributing them to political agendas rather than genuine concerns for the agricultural community, doubting the protesters’ intentions and objectives.

farmers’ protests raise divisive opinions...

The survey also reveals that one in 10 respondents (11%) either lack awareness of the protests or are unfamiliar with the farmers’ demands. This lack of awareness is marginally higher (12%) among farmers’ house- holds. This is not surprising since the protests have been centred mostly in north-west India.

However, the majority support the farmers’ protests; support for this is comparatively higher
among farmers, with close to two in three (63%) individuals from farm house- holds expressing solidarity with the protests, possibly connecting to their own experience of challenges in the agricultural sector. Yet, one in 10 (11%) farmers align with the belief that the protests are a well- planned conspiracy, high- lighting internal divisions within the farming com- munity regarding the legitimacy of the movement.

The farmers’ protests in India reRect the complex dynamics of rural livelihoods and agricultural policies. While divergent view- points exist regarding the legitimacy and motivations behind these protests, the overwhelming support among farmers emphasises the pressing need for ad- dressing the challenges faced by the agricultural sector.

Jyoti Mishra and Devesh Kumar are researchers at CSDS-Lokniti

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